First Light Spotlight - Hunter Lohman // Michigan

In the overlooked world of Great Lakes surfing, Michigan surfers Logan Vegh and Hunter Lohman have forged a deep bond. Logan, dedicated to bringing "core surfing" to the Midwest, talks with Hunter, a surfer and photographer, about their experiences on the lakes. They explore the challenges of cold sessions and the unique surf community that unites them.

This Spotlight was written and conducted by FLSC fam and fellow Great Lakes surfer Logan Vegh.


Perfect Barrel Wave glassy blue in lake Michigan great lakes photo by hunter lohman

(A Lake Superior dream — shot by Hunter Lohman)

It’s tough to convey the Great Lakes surfing experience. Most of me fights to remember what I’ve learned from the ocean and force the standards I find valuable upon our Midwest scene. I believe in core surfing and won’t be convinced otherwise that we can’t have that on the lakes. Surfing in the Midwest is growing. I’m a part of the problem, yes. But, the more I fall in love with this scene, the more fear seeps into my psyche as I question the authenticity of chasing waves on our coastline.

Not all is grim, though. Amid soft-tops, pop-out boards, and all the Great Lake kookery, there are the days when a lineup in a barren wasteland of trees and snow is concealed to a humble two to three-person crowd. Bliss.

One thing most notable that I admire comparing the lake scene to ocean surfing communities is a term I’ll continually return to—Brotherhood. We do it best. Put in countless hours searching, years parking in the lot, and the majority of your gas money into miles of searching for spots, and you’ll fall into a family of like-minded souls. And that brings me to the topic at hand.

Hunter Lohman great lakes lake michigan surf photographer

Hunter Lohman called me into my first wave at our home break, The Rock Pile. I’ll never forget his stern “Go” and the fear that swelled as I turned and paddled for a wave far above my ability. I’m pretty sure I hit the pier, dinging my board and slicing my toes. Knowing him, it was probably a ploy to get the next best set wave with me out of the way. Yet, I got a glimpse of what encouragement does for us as surfers. Watching him surf the Pile all these years later, and sharing countless lineups, I know this to be true; no one loves the lakes and what surfing is more than Lohman. As he’s transitioned into his profession as a photographer, it’s evident that he cares so deeply about conveying our scene in the best light. As we sit in my car, staring at our flat lake (man we need surf...), I chat with Hunter regarding all things surfing, lakes, and most importantly, his work as a photographer.

 Hunter Lohman great lakes lake michigan surf photographer

Logan - How did you start surfing?

Hunter - Boogie boarding. Yeah, my mom would take me down to the beach, and I’d just get shacked all the time. And then I saw Ken here at Pile, a neon green wetsuit (definitely Ken), I remember that. I had a camera and was taking pictures as a kid, couldn’t believe it. I had no idea you could surf here. Next Christmas, asked for a board.

Logan - What emotions do you get when you surf? What kept you entranced?

Hunter - Calm. Just extremely calm. I’ve always been a huge water guy. Whether there are waves or not, I gravitate towards spending time in the water. I feel my most relaxed. Well, honestly...ten foot and pumping, I can get a bit anxious and wired. But straight back to chillin once on shore.

lake michigan great lakes surfer hunter lohman surf photographer

(Hunter Lohman ripping down a Lake Michigan line — Shot by Simon Berghoef)

Logan - When did the love for photo start to develop?

Hunter - Been in love with it way before surfing crept in. I’ve always had a camera, the result of growing up in an artsy family. Between my mom, aunt, and grandma, I learned from them. As far back as I can remember I knew how to hold a camera.

By 2021, though, I’d fallen for shooting with Tim Haadsma’s (local Midwest waterman) gear. It was time to invest in my own equipment specifically for surfing.

Logan - So you got your gear, what was the catalyst for the launch of your Instagram and more professional work?

Hunter - My shoulder injury. I thought I wasn’t going to surf for two years. That’s really when the photography went crazy.

Logan - Is it painful to sit on the beach when the boys are scoring?

Hunter - To shoot photo? Yes. It’s so hard. Such a struggle of mine, I miss so many shots just because surfing comes first.

Logan - What’s that process like deciding when to shoot and when to surf?

Hunter - There are so many days I’m surfing and thinking like ‘F*ck I need my camera’. It’s a love-hate kind of thing. You get to have two passions that work together. It’s like I’m so psyched about getting better at one, and then as that hype fades, the other becomes my main focus. It’s fun. Especially shooting while swimming. Going home and editing is almost more fun than being out there. Once you get on the computer and see what you shot it’s like ‘ohhh that thing!’ But still very painful not surfing, no doubt.

great lakes lake michigan barrel surfing

(An absolute freight train on Lake Michigan — Shot by Hunter Lohman)

Logan - You’re one of a very small minority that knows secret spots on the, traveling hours and hunting for waves, or a classic day at the home break?

Hunter - Damn. That’s a hard one. If it’s like a solid north here, stomach high and glass, f*ck. I don’t how to answer that. We don’t have a reef here. I like driving away from our sandbars. That’s a hard question, dude.

Logan - What’s the draw of Great Lakes trips, versus spending the same amount of money on a flight to the ocean?

Hunter - There’s no one here. Mythical.

Perfect Barrel Wave glassy blue in lake Michigan great lakes photo by hunter lohman

(Empty tube on Lake Michigan — Shot by Hunter Lohman)

Logan - Thoughts on the changing seasons here? Inspired or annoyed?

Hunter - Annoyed. As I get older, I just hate the cold. Seasons do bring waves and opportunities for sick shots, so that’s something. But I want warmth. Yes, surfing with snow on Christmas and fall leaves at Halloween is sick for sure, but I’m over it.

Logan - What do you wish Great Lakes surfers knew about core surfing/What do you wish the larger surfing world knew about the lakes?

Hunter - For here, just how lineups work, and etiquette. There’s none of that here. Zero. So annoying. For the world, just how unique our scene is. We’ve got some weird characters. I wish we had more groms that understood it. Grungy punk kids who scream at sets. No more of that ‘Great Lakes party wave’ shit.

Logan - Thoughts on localism? Does it work here?

Hunter - Honestly, despite no etiquette at some spots, I think it does work. The power of social media and what I’ve built has left me the opportunity to show up on any lake and get a wave because people already know my love for it and respect that. I think there needs to be some core, scary old guys though. There were guys that wouldn’t say a word or post a thing and require no pictures of spots, yet as the lake scene has blown up the past few years, they’ve simply quit altogether. I think there needs to be a tad more of this energy and protection of our spots.

Logan Vegh Great Lakes surfer Lakes michigan photographed by Hunter Lohman

(The home break — shot by Hunter Lohman)

Logan - Do you want more people surfing?

Hunter - Yes and no. It’s cool here, but for all the other reasons, no. What’s nice is the real season of solid waves has so many elements to deter people, so the crowd thins out. But we need more kids to grow up in the scene, not just random 30-year-old guys joining on the weekend.

Logan - How does surfing and shooting first thing in the morning affect the rest of your day?

Hunter - Best way to start the day. Get your mood right. Just don’t surf too long, 'cause then your day’s wack. If I could do an hour before work every day,
I’d be a happy guy.

surfers sunset sunrise great lakes lake michigan surfing shot by Hunter Lohman

(Blissful companionship at home — Shot by Hunter Lohman)

Logan - I’ll never forget your words, “There’s absolute monsters out here.” Thanks, Hunter.

Hunter - Hell yeah. Get’s as good as any other place in the world.


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